What Project 2025 Means for Choice 

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For 257 million women, choice is impossible. Because they cannot access the contraception they want.

We open doors. We break down stigma. And we go further than anyone else to make sure every woman can decide her own future, on her own terms.

Choice matters to...

Our Global Impact

See our 2023 detailed impact here

0 million people using MSI
0% of clients are
0 million unintended pregnancies prevented
0 million unsafe abortions prevented
0k pregnancy-related
deaths prevented


Real people, real stories, real solutions.

End the Global Gag Rule
US Politics

End the Global Gag Rule

The Global Gag Rule is an anti-choice policy that’s been instated ... Read More

New abortion guidelines expand choice in Zimbabwe 
Safe Abortion

New abortion guidelines expand choice in Zimbabwe 

Zimbabwe is one of the riskiest places in the world ... Read More

Choice in Afghanistan
Humanitarian crises

Choice in Afghanistan

“In Afghanistan, women can feel restricted ... Read More

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